The EDC is here to help resolve your workforce needs!
Bismarck-Mandan has a wealth of talented individuals eager to work for you. But matching the perfect employee with the right job does not always just happen. The Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC is here to help facilitate that pairing. The resources below are all dedicated to aiding companies find the workforce they need. Contact us today for whatever further assistance you need.
This class consisted of Juniors and Seniors from public and private high schools across Bismarck-Mandan. The program kicks off each fall and the will continues with monthly meetings throughout the school year at different industries available throughout our community. The goal of this program is to connect students with career paths in Bismarck-Mandan and connections to help them pursue these careers. Email Chamber EDC Workforce...
Category: Workforce Resources
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The New American Leadership Network, a pilot initiative in partnership with Bismarck Global Neighbors, was created to help participants integrate into the community by building connections and increasing awareness. Each session of the program addresses essential topics that help New Americans thrive in our community. Email Chamber EDC Workforce Development Specialist Summer Sturm to learn more or call (701) 223-5660.
Category: Workforce Resources
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Growing our workforce is a top priority of the Chamber EDC. Every year businesses in Bismarck-Mandan hire students from across the globe to participate in internship opportunities. In hopes to connect these interns with our community and the people within it, the Chamber EDC organized the Internship Network. Email Chamber EDC Workforce Development Specialist Summer Sturm to learn more or call (701) 223-5660.
Category: Workforce Resources
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The Chamber EDC’s member directory provides contact information for more than 1,200 local and regional businesses.
Category: Workforce Resources
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The Bismarck Public Schools Career Academy & Technical Center allows more than 1,400 students to enroll in courses each year that gives them valuable experience and insight into high-demand career pathways. Students have access to internships across all these disciplines with local employers.
Category: Workforce Resources
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Job Service North Dakota provides workforce and unemployment services for employers and job seekers from its central location in Bismarck and Workforce Centers throughout the state. Beyond specific services like a job search, it offers unique resources, like North Dakota Apprenticeships, the North Dakota New Jobs Training Program, Youth Service Providers and more.
Category: Workforce Resources
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At Team North Dakota, we are driven to succeed through gratitude, humility, curiosity and courage. We know that with hard work and perseverance, we can better our state and local communities. We have a wide-range of careers and opportunities for you to explore. Join us in being legendary.
Category: Workforce Resources
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The State helps employers relocate employers to their cities. Individuals can access personalized relocation assistance online or retain the services of a relocation counselor with the North Dakota Department of Commerce Relocation Resources.
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The North Dakota Department of Commerce Workforce Development Division works with other state agencies and the public sector industry to ensure employers have access to a skilled talent pool and more. The Youth & Careers section offers resources for those interested in learning more about the careers and opportunities in North Dakota.
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The state program Team ND is intended to help new employees make the most of their careers. The information it provides includes assisting employees in understanding the benefits of working in North Dakota while allowing an avenue for employers to list openings and internships.
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Job shadows are experiential work opportunities where a student shadows a professional in a low-risk, high-reward strategy that benefits students and employers alike. To promote job shadows in Bismarck-Mandan, the Chamber EDC facilitates Job Shadow Week in February and other opportunities throughout the year. Email Chamber EDC Workforce Development Specialist Summer Sturm to learn more or call (701) 223-5660.
Category: Workforce Resources
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The Chamber EDC’s Educator Experience program places 20 educators in a week-long series of experiential learning sessions with area employers to educate them on the career opportunities available in Bismarck-Mandan. Email Chamber EDC Workforce Development Specialist Summer Sturm to learn more or call (701) 223-5660.
Category: Workforce Resources
Go to link is North Dakota’s premier education and career planning resource. As North Dakota’s Career and Technical Education department initiative, has expert planning services and resources for youth and adults.
Category: Workforce Resources
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The Bank of North Dakota offers an online College Handbook with information for students – middle school, high school, college, and non-traditional – and parents, guardians and grandparents. You can explore occupations, learn about careers you may not have been aware of and research programs to pay or save for college.
Category: Workforce Resources
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